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Showing posts from May, 2014

Tomorrow Never Lies

From the childhood, we have been told not to lie.  Our ancestors have told so.  The same ancestors have also told us to lie when it is necessary and when it doesn’t affect others.  We have somewhat followed those advices. It is ok if we don’t lie at all.  However, what if we have to tell lies in critical situations that if not told would give tremendous results.  So, as per the advice of our ancestors we can tell lies as long as it has no impact in others’ life. Some people have this habit of not telling the truth.  Whatever they tell, are just lies.  They just exaggerate the real situations into imaginary ones.  The other people, who are found rarely, tell only the truth.  They are hardly among us. Sometimes lies are exciting, when told and irritating, when heard.  We never like lies when heard.  We are the first to tell them when we need to escape situations.  We would get slaps in our childhood from our parents when we told lies.  Later we grew and became paren